Prefixed variable replacement and file includes

Gulp Replace-Include performs text replacement on prefixed (default @@) variables. The prefix can be changed in the plugin options. There are 5 types of variable:

  • @@file and @@path : The current filename and file path (relative to the src directory)
  • @@include(fileglob*.txt) : text file includes (path relative to current page)
  • @@require(glob/*.js) : like @@include, but will ignore any files that have already been required
  • Global variables : variables and their replacement (provided as a key:value pairs) applied to all files
  • Page variables : variables assigned to specific page path/filenames (relative to the src directory)


   prefix: '@@',   // prefix for all variables
   src: '',       // source root folder
   include: [],    // paths to search for file includes (and requires)
   global: {},     // global variables (variable:replacement) pairs
   pages: {},      // page variables (path/filename:global variable object) pairs

If the base folder for all your source files is not where your gulpfile is, you can set the src directory. You can also provide various paths to search for file includes. This is the include array. The paths will be searched before the file's current location. You can always add './' as your first path to avoid this.

Gulp example

+-- build
|   +-- gulpfile.js
+-- src
|   +-- test
|      +-- 1.html
|      +-- 2.html
+-- dist
   +-- welcome.txt


var gulp = require('gulp');
var replaceInclude = require('gulp-replace-include');
gulp.task('default',function() {
   return gulp.src('../src/**/*.html')
         src: '../src/',
         path: ['../dist/'],
         global: {
            "hello": "Howdy",
         pages: {
            "test/1.html" : {
               title: "First Page",
            "test/2.html" : {
               title: "Second Page",

Will convert two files src/test/1.html & src/test/2.html, each with content:

   <link rel="canonical" href="">
   <h1>Test Page: @@file</h1>

With a text file dist/welcome.txt:

@@hello World

Will produce:

+-- dist
|   +-- test
|      +-- 1.html
|      +-- 2.html


   <title>First Page</title>
   <link rel="canonical" href="">
   <h1>Test Page: 1.html</h1>
   <p>Howdy World</p>


   <title>Second Page</title>
   <link rel="canonical" href="">
   <h1>Test Page: 2.html</h1>
   <p>Howdy World</p>