OctoML is an HTML preprocessor for Node. It allows you to define custom (standards-breaking) HTML tags, and convert them into (valid) HTML. You can write simpler, more legible HTML. You can install with npm:

npm install octoml

To convert a file you first load OctoML, then create a new instance of the OctoML parser with a Language.

   var octoml = require('octoml');
   var lang = new octoml('lang.js'); // loads default language
   lang.load('path/to/file.xml',function(file) {
      // html text is stored in file.html

In the example above the default library lang.js is loaded. This library comes bundled with OctoML, and includes the Bootstrap framework.

You can also load your own local language file:

   var lang = new octoml('./my-language.js');

Or define the language as an object:

   var lang = new octoml({
      main: [{
         tag: "box",
         html: '<div class="box">%html%</div>'

For a more complete guide on how to write your own language, consult the Language Reference.

The OctoML exposes two functions load and parse. These both perform the same function - they convert an XML file into HTML. The load function loads the file from the filesystem, the parse function can be provided the file contents:

   lang.load('path/to/file.xml',function(output) {
      // converted file is in output.html
   // or:
   var file = fs.readFileSync('path/to/file.xml').toString();
   lang.parse(file,'path/to/file.xml',function(output) {
      // converted file is in output.html   

I may make plugins for the Grunt & Gulp task runners. In the meantime, you can add OctoML to your Gulp pipeline with through2:

var gulp = require('gulp'),
   through = require('through2'),
   octoml = require('octoml'),
   lang = new octoml('lang.js');
gulp.task('default',function() {
   return gulp.src('src/*.xml')
     .pipe(through.obj(function (file, enc, cb) {
      lang.parse(file.contents.toString(),file.path,function(b) {
         file.contents = new Buffer(b.html);
         file.path = file.path.replace(/\.xml$/,'.html');
         cb(null, file);